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Seminario pubblico di Giulio Rigoni (Procedura valutativa per n.4 posti di Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipologia A - SC 09/H1 SSD ING-INF/05)

Giulio Rigoni
Data dell'evento: 
Wednesday, 12 July, 2023 - 10:00
Zoom meeting https://uniroma1.zoom.us/j/91309065569


vi invito a partecipare al seguente seminario, in cui Giulio Rigoni illustrerà la propria attività di ricerca, in ottemperanza ai requisitiprevisti dalla procedura valutativa per n.4 posti di Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato tipologia A - SC 09/H1 SSD ING-INF/05 - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica Automatica e Gestionale "A. Ruberti".

Il seminario sarà fruibile esclusivamente in modalità telematica via Zoom all'indirizzo:




Drones Overview: Applications and Security Issues



Recently, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), or drones are employed for a plethora of civilian applications such as last mile-delivery systems, agriculture, and even search and rescue missions.

Unfortunately, those useful devices come with drawbacks: they are the target of malicious users.

Different kinds of attacks can be performed against UAVs, such as jamming, spoofing, and hijacking. Considering the flight mode of the UAV and the multiplicity (i.e., the number of UAVs deployed), different defensive techniques were identified and as a last line of defense, an affordable and fastly deployable system is proposed for detecting compromised UAVs. 



Giulio completed his PhD at the University of Florence in 2022 and he is currently working for the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies (SPGI) at the University of Padua on the Triskelion project. It involves the study of social media interactions between users and news outlets, through machine learning systems. He is primarily interested in cyber-security-related topics, which he has actively researched since 2018, as part of the SPRITZ group at the University of Padua

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